Sunday, October 26, 2003

"You don't feel you could love me / But I feel you could." -Paul Simon

Clock on the wall says 3:02am, but it's really 2:02; is this what I'm doing with my extra hour when I could be sleeping? Shoot, I can always be sleeping.

I was late for my morning bikini wax / but at least it was free / And while I was pumping gas / saw someone I didn't want to see / but the place at which I filled it up / was right there where he'd be / Stomped at old coffee grounds / where they offered the oatmeal cookie / Closed my eyes on the drive home for fun / and installing a new toilet seat took it out of me / But I got it all back at the Starbucks / on my way to a friend's birthday party / Watched the fires from her rooftop / and thanked God for coffee / Looked west for an answer / 'though I know that's crazy / and wondered what I've done to lose it / Nothing, probably.

The last of saving daylight.
So happy to be standard again.

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