Friday, May 05, 2006

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." -Leonard Cohen

It's also how the energy seeps out.

But that's just glass-half-empty thinking, and that's not my true nature. Especially not in light of the fact that the neurologist left an "everything is good" voicemail this morning. She says my MRI scans showed nothing more than a few "unidentified white objects" that are indicative of migraine, and are "within normal limits."

I've never thought of anything about my brain as being "within normal limits," but who am I to argue with an expert?

I got my little butt kicked in the stress echocardiogram yesterday, but it was worth it -- so far, sez my internist, that all looks good, too. A more conclusive report from the cardiologist comes back next week.

Cool. Now, back to kicking a little butt of my own.

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