Monday, January 08, 2007

"The degree to which we're sidetracked or confused is the degree to which we suffer." -Everyday Zen

I am suffering today. Out of confusion and being sidetracked. Wham-bam.

A dear friend has been unexpectedly (and, I think, undeservedly) dismissive of my customary (and, I thought, valued) service, and no explanation is forthcoming. Only silence in the wake of the question.

And this confusion-based suffering has sidetracked me from my work, by triggering that well-oiled mechanism of mine that spews dozens of assorted complex answers to a question only one person (and that ain't me) can accurately (and, I hope, simply) address, so the suffering effect is doubled.

Does having said it out loud mitigate the feelings of confusion and resultant sadness? Ever so slightly. A nice yoga class with a lot of breathing will help me let go. These are the actions I can take to soothe my soul. The only things in my control.

But truth from the source is the most effective salve.

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