Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Achilles' heels scraped soft.

Early last month, I offered here a litany of "faults" which I have carried around with me much of my adulthood and blamed for certain "failures" in my life.

> Short (the preferred term: "petite")

> Very little in the way of formal higher education (but, hey, I'm considered quite intelligent, have a higher-than-above-average IQ, and did attend art and graphic design classes at UCLA for 2 years)

> Never been to/lived in Europe. Or Asia. Or Africa. Or any other continent other than North America (but I've seen, and lived in, quite a bit of that)

There were a couple of others, but why dredge? I only bring this to your attention because the self-deprecating list has disappeared...as has happened with a few other entries in the past couple of years.

As I am given to extracting metaphors from virtually every situation, I'm less perturbed than pleased by this disappearance. Because, if it's gone, then perhaps my attachment to it is soon to follow.

Again, the lesson: progress, not perfection.

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