Monday, December 29, 2003

"Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation." -Wernher von Braun

A particularly apt quote from dear friend and regular Zantales reader, Heij...especially resonant tonight because I'm on a new adventure, in a new place, preparing for a new project -- unlike anything I've ever undertaken. There was a time, not too long ago, I'd have been daunted. The fact that I am not (only maybe a tad nervous) is revealing: all that has gone before was clearly prelude to this. Its success requires that I establish new habits...and lose a few old ones. Could there be a better time than the new year to embark on such a journey?

Tomorrow, I'll clear my head of cobwebs accumulated over the past six days -- no reflection whatsoever on Mom; we had great fun and several fine in-depth conversations on profound topics -- and beat each other's asses in Scrabble. It's just that the city of Las Vegas is an environment hardly conducive to, well, thinking. In fact, the less thinking, the better.

Tomorrow, I'm taking a solo tour of Santa Fe...just me and this New Mexican mountain town I've been told I'll love. Breathe in the crisp air, critical fuel for my O2-deprived brain. Allow the art and the style and the vibration to elevate and inspire my transition into the coming collaboration.

Life is good.

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