Monday, February 02, 2004

"I am sorry if anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance at the Super Bowl..." -Justin Timberlake

Three words: It was staged.

Does my cynicism reveal that I've been in show business all my life? As a stage performer, one becomes intimately familiar with one's costume prior to live performance, especially if it is going to take a choreographed beating in front of zillions of rabid fans. But most telling is that she had installed on the nipple of the exposed breast a metal pasty that looked for all the world like a weapon designed by Q for 007! PUH-LEEZE. There was no reason for her to have decorated her nip if she wasn't preparing to show off the rest of her precious mammary gland.

Wardrobe malfunction, my ass...which you will not be seeing bared on national television anytime soon.

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