Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat." -Caroline Schoeder

Well, Caroline, I seem to fall smack-dab into the latter category. I do end up seeing the light...shortly after I've gotten all crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. Yum.

I have a friend who, when faced with my occasional tears, likes to quote Tom Hanks' character in "A League of Their Own" -- "There's no crying in baseball." It was funny in the film, but it's an oft-misplaced notion in real life. Crying is good for the soul. It's a valuable release. Studies have been done that prove the health benefits of a good cry.

My mother was not much of a cryer -- I think her mother used to quote Tom Hanks, too. Her body has suffered. The list of her ailments is long, and she now acknowledges that her repression might well have been a major contributor.

I just know that if I didn't cry once in a while, the hell that would break loose would spin my head right off its neck. Not a good look.

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