Friday, June 02, 2006

Insomnibabble, Part Two

Maria Conchita Alonso just got eviscerated by an alien; I can't believe they're saying she's still alive, when the very dead Bill Paxton got the same treatment moments before, along with 5 gang members and a bunch of commuters. Every one of them, boned like fish.

I wouldn't be watching this godawful movie at this godforsaken hour if my friend hadn't emailed me at 1:24am, just before I was about to sign off for the night, informing me about the shootout on my downtown LA building's roof in Predator 2. I just had to tune in.

Look! There's the Eastern building, with One Wilshire in the background, being struck by some of the phoniest lightning in film history. And Gary Busey just quoted The Wizard of Oz. This really is one of those films that's so bad it' bad.

The half a Unisom with the warm vanilla milk chaser better start working fast and hard. I'm afraid I'm going to have dreams just like the one you had last night, Venice Boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of living in Encinitas and watching the world premiere of the only movie shot entirely in Encinitas -- shot mostly in the same theatre, La Paloma, in which we were watching it, in fact. The only star was a fading Karen Black, who couldn't be hired for location shots; she played a detective who managed to investigate a killing inside the Paloma without once leaving an anonymous hotel room where she looked at a lot of diagrams. The Paloma was inadequately lit for the action shots, so we had the bizarre experience of sitting inside a dark theatre, squinting to see what was happening onscreen inside the same dark theatre! And you think you saw a bad flick! At least I didn't lose any sleep over it.