Saturday, February 11, 2006


This was a four train morning. Today, a conductor -- not our friend Dave, 'though we saw him, too -- slowed down to let his passengers see the chase. I could see them point, smile, laugh, marvel at the little black dog in an amazing race with the big yellow Metrolink.

Yesterday, we had business in Larchmont. We were stopped 5 times in two blocks with the usual comments and inquiries: She's so cute! What kind of dog is she? Can I pet her? Not to mention the various interruptions during the al fresco meeting.

Later, on a research visit to LA Dogworks, they fell in love with her, too.

I just adore my pooch to pieces. She reminds me.


Anonymous said...

Reminds you of what?

zan said...

Lulu reminds me to stay in the moment.

Lulu reminds me to have fun.

Lulu reminds me to love without conditions.

And she's with my ex-husband this week, so I'm going to need to remind myself for the next 7 days. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated and rewarded.