Thursday, January 12, 2006

2006 Confessions Part One

I am addicted to Trader Joe's Tamari Roasted Almonds.

This season's "ER" is boring me to bloody tears, but I can't stop tuning in. It's on right now, and I'm more entertained by the guys painting the walls in one of the lofts in the building across the street.

I don't care if Judge Alito becomes Justice Alito.

Alcohol holds absolutely no allure for me, but there are times I wish I could smoke a little pipeful of pot. I won't; but I wish.

The real reason I want to make lots of money -- other than making my mother comfortable and doing wonderful things for my close friends and making generous contributions to the charities of my choice -- is to invest as needed in various cosmetic self-improvements. Vanity, thy name is -- me.

I send anonymous notes to fellow bloggers complaining about their spelling and syntax.

It's hard for me to watch erotic scenes in films when I'm not having sex. Which is probably why I haven't yet watched my friend's copy of "Y Tu Mama Tambien."

I play with my hair incessantly. I think that's why I have half as much as I did 10 years ago.

If it wouldn't make me pizza-faced and 60 pounds heavier, I'd eat chocolate souffle every damn day.

That oughta do it for now.


Anonymous said...

Forget the roasted almonds. Snack bliss lies in Trader Joe's multi-grain pita chips. Trust me. You have but one life to live; waste it not on mere almonds!

zan said...

to fearless: i will *not* forget my beloved tamari almonds!!! they are high in protein and low in carbs, which is more than i can say for your precious pita chips :)

to juicyfruiter: park rangers are cool. i'll be reading you soon...but first, i have some, er, fearless writing to do...!