Friday, May 06, 2005

Decaf Venti Chopra Latte

Jeez...have I been SO consumed with working, moving and other such life challenges that I haven't been reading my Starbucks? I set my tall white and green cup down on my desk this morning and my eye caught a series of words peeking over the heat shield, expressing a thought that has nothing to do with how hot this beverage is, please sip carefully so as not to burn your tongue and sue the shit out of our fat little megacompany.

The first line reads, "The Way I See It #30" (apparently I've missed 29 other such advisories on my inevitable morning javas). It continued, "The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love..." I slipped the sleeve off the cup to read further. "They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe." And just WHO sees it this way, you ask? No surprise, here:

--Deepak Chopra, Author of The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire and other spiritual guides.

Now, as evidenced by many of the headlines in my blog, I enjoy a good quote here and there. Pithy, ironic, inspirational; if they hit the desired mark, I'll feel it, appreciate it, share it, and move on. And I love getting a fortune cookie with EXACTLY the message I needed to hear at the moment.

(Which reminds me of a voicemail I got from B a few weeks ago: he'd just had Chinese food, and when he opened the fortune cookie -- there was no fortune. If you knew him, you'd appreciate the killer irony.)

But this advertisment disguised as profundity annoys the living crap out of me. If I want to know the way Deepak sees it, I'll hie to the nearest Barnes & Noble and buy one of his "other spiritual guides."

Ah, no, I won't. I already have one.


FoxyStardust said...

That's funny... I got the same cup while visiting Chicago and pondered it for a while... then pondered the fact that Starbucks was giving me romantic advice.

zan said...

LOL...when Starbucks makes us actually ponder in addition to giving us a good morning buzz, maybe we need to start taking our business to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf or Peet's, where they don't make us think too much. Because I'm really trying to stop the whole overthinking thing.